H.E Anke Holstein


Her Excellency (H.E) Anke Holstein, Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to North Macedonia has been assigned to the position since July 2020 after her term as ambassador in Djubouti. Her diplomatic carreer extends from the early 90’s when she finished her Diplomatic training at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. She has served in numerous diplomatic missions in the
Balkans including Albania, Slovenia, and Bosnia and Herzegovina. She has also served in a variety of institutions of the European Union and Germany including the European Commission, the European External Action Service, European Affairs Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Berlin and the EU External Relations with Eastern Europe and the Balkans, European Affairs department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Berlin. Besides German, she also speaks 8 languages including English, French, Slovene, Albanian, Russian, Serbian/ Croatian/Bosnian.

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by H.E Anke Holstein