Conflicts as a Cause of Displacement
22-26 August 2022
Monday — Friday
22 — 26 August, 2021
* Schedule times are given in CEST (Central European Summer Time)
- Online
- Zoom Conference Call
- Refugee Law and Migration Center
- UNHCR, Северна Македонија
- International Institute of Humanitarian Law of Sanremo, Italy
Summer School
The Refugee Law and Migration Center at the “Iustinianus Primus” Law Faculty, University Ss. Cyril and Methodius-Skopje, in collaboration with the UNHCR Representation in Skopje and in cooperation with the International Institute of Humanitarian Law in Sanremo, will host the 3rd Summer School on Refugee Rights and Migration with a special focus on the topic: Conflicts as a Cause of Displacement. This 5-day intensive course, organized between 22 –26 August 2022, is designed to help participants gain basic and intermediary knowledge about refugee rights and migration and better understand the role of conflicts as a cause of displacement and its effect on offering international protection.
This program is open for participation to all students at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels, regardless of their educational discipline and the previous knowledge on the topic of refugee law and migration. A maximum of 50 participants will be accepted to the program. Details about the application process are listed below.
Participants will have the chance to learn from a diverse pool of international experts, including well-respected academics and practitioners, bringing experience from different regions of the world. Students will be able to meet and network with key stakeholders and experts in the field of migration.
Learning Objectives
The objective of the Summer School is to build the knowledge of participants of refugee rights and migration, issues faced by people in need of protection, including stateless persons, internally displaced people, and migrants. Moreover, participants will understand the challenges and experiences faced by particular countries amidst mixed migration movements and look beyond the present and local/national perspectives. The program is designed to help students critically reflect on issues related to refugee rights and migration in an interdisciplinary approach during the numerous sessions taught by leading academics and professionals in the field of refugee law and migration.
The Summer School of Refugee Rights and Migration aims at offering an interdisciplinary, interactive, and experiential course focused on the political, economic, social, and cultural contexts of forced migration. The School’s goal is to create true advocates for refugees and other persons in need of protection among future academics and practitioners.
Therefore, by the end of the Summer School, participants will be able to:
● Refer to different bodies of law and sets of rights and responsibilities of persons migrating or displaced as a result of conflict;
● Explain the definitions and the use of correct terminology with regards to refugees, migrants, internally displaced persons and stateless persons;
● Discuss the policy solutions to migration-related topics and the interconnectedness of the different causes of displacement with conflict;
● List practical examples of providing protection directly to displaced persons;
● Discuss threats and opportunities concerning migration and international protection that are anticipated to arise in the future.
The program will be delivered in English in an online / telematics mode, via morning and afternoon sessions. Live sessions will be delivered via Zoom for Education, over 2-3 90-minute virtual sessions per day, delivered in the morning and afternoon of each day, which are mandatory to obtaining the certificate. The Agenda also includes evening social events, for which attendance is optional, but which participants are encouraged to attend to promote the networking and social capacity of the Summer School.
our speakers
International Speakers
This program is open for participation to all students on undergraduate and postgraduate level, regardless of their previous knowledge on the topic of refugee law and migration. A maximum of 50 participants will be accepted to the program.
Kristijan Mihajlovski
Ulrich Stege
Mikko Annala
Nikola Kovačević
Prof. d-r Nikos Xypolytas
Vincent Chetail
Ivana Krstic
Beatriz Vasconcellos
Belachew Gebrewold
Set in CEST (Central European Summer Time)
Opening and Introduction
Moderator: Mr. Vasko Popetrevski
Prof. Dr. Sc. Nikola Jankulovski, Rector of the Ss. Cyril and Methodius University
H.E Anke Holstein, Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to Noh Macedonia
Prof. Dr.Sc. Irena Rajchinovska Pandeva, Director of the Summer school
Coffee break
Lunch break
Meet and Greet session
Coffee break
Lunch break
Movie Screening and Discussion
Coffee break
Lunch break
Coffee break
Lunch break
Coffee break
Ms. Mikko Annala, Transformative Governance Lead at Demos Helsinki
Ms. Beatriz Vasconcellos, Expe at Demos Helsinki
Ms. Lilybell Evergreen, Junior Consultant in the Transformative Governance team at Demos Helsinki
Ms. Monica Sandri, UNHCR Representative in the Republic of Noh Macedonia
Director, Depament of International Refugee Law and Migration Law, International Institute of Humanitarian Law at Sanremo, Italy
Mr.Claudio Delfabro,
Prof. Dr. Sc. Sasho Georgievski, Dean of Faculty of Law “Iustinianus Primus”
Thank you for your interest in applying! We are honored to have received applications from around the world.
Since we have received over 200 applications and can’t accept all of them, we will now dedicate some time to go through the applications to find the most interesting, outgoing and open participants. Participants will receive notice on their status on August 8th on their emails. Once again, thank you very much for showing so much interest and good luck!
The program will be delivered in English therefore fluency is required.
Students from all disciplines are welcome to attend. The only prerequisite is that applicants must have taken at least one introductory course in social science, political science, history, or
law. There is no restriction on students from any level of study (undergraduate, master’s, PhD) participating in the school. Students will receive a certificate upon completion of the Summer School.
The 2022 edition of the Summer School on Refugee rights and migration is offered free of charge, yet the selection of participants will be made on a competitive basis.
Registration for the Summer School is done through the
following Google form:
- Registration Deadline: Monday, 1 August, 2022
- Notification of Selected Participants: Monday, 8 August, 2022
Contact us