Anna Krasteva


Anna Krasteva is Doctor Honoris Causa of University of Lille, France, president of the ‘Policy and Citizens Observatory: Migration, Digitalization, Climate’, professor of political sciences and director of CERMES (Centre for European Refugees, Migration and Ethnic Studies) at the NBU. She is editor-in chief of the international journal ‘Southeastern Europe’ (Brill/ Schöningh), president and member of numerous international scientific boards. Her main fields of research and teaching are migration, refugee and border policies and politics,
national populism, radicalization and far-right youth, crises studies. She led the project of the Global Campus on Human Rights ‘Securitization and its impact on human rights and human security’ and the European project on ‘Maximizing the developmental impact of labor migration in Western Balkans’.Among her other recent projects are: “Representation of the crisis and crisis of representation” (H2020), “Enhancing Digital Citizenship” (Erasmus+), “Evaluation of the common European asylum system under pressure and recommendations for further development” (H2020), ‘Migration Impact Assessment towards Integration and
Local Development in European Rural and Mountain Regions’(H2020),’Effective Practices in Education, Mental Health and Psychosocial Support for the integration of refugee Children’(H2020), Active European Citizens against Hate Speech(Europe for Citizens); ‘Europeanisation meets democracy from below: The Western Balkans on the search for new European and democratic Momentum’(Erasmus+). Among her recent publications are: De/Re/Bordering Remoteness in Times of Crisis: Migration for Reterritorialization and Revitalization of a Remote Region; Balkan migration crises and beyond; Bulgarian migration paradox; If the borders did not exist, they would have been invented by populist leaders.