Prof. Marco Borraccetti

SpecialityAssociate Professor, Department of Political and Social Sciences, University ofBologna, Italy

Marco Borraccetti is Associate Professor of European Union Law at Alma Mater Studiorum – Universita’di Bologna; he is Co-director of the European Regional Master Programme in Democracy and HumanRights in South East Europe (GC/SEE ERMA) and Coordinator of MIGLAB-Studi sulle migrazioni(MIGLAB-Studies on migration), a Center of the Department of Political and Social Sciences, Alma MaterStudiorum – Universita’ di Bologna. He is also representing the University of Bologna at the GlobalCampus of Human Rights, where he is Member of the Global Campus Council. His main research interests are migration, borders management and trafficking in human beings froma EU law perspective. His activities are included in the following ERC Sector: Constitutions, human rights, comparative law,humanitarian law, anti-discrimination law (SH2_4); International relations, global and transnationalgovernance (SH2_5); Environmental and climate change, societal impact and policy (SH2_7); Politicalsystems, governance (SH2_1).

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by Prof. Marco Borraccetti