Prof. d-r Anna Krasteva
Anna Krasteva is president of the ‘Policy and Citizens Observatory: migration, digitalization, climate’, professor of political sciences at the NBU, doctor honoris causa of University of Lille, France. Her main fields of research are migration, refugee and border policies and politics.
national populism, radicalization and far-right youth, post-democracy, crises and leadership, activism and citizenship. Among her recent publications are “Thinking under quarantine” (co-author, 2020), “Citizens’ activism and solidarity movements. Contending with populism” (co-ed Palgrave, 2019), “Bulgarian migration paradox. Migration and development in Bulgaria” (2019).
Her recent Horizon 2020 projects are “Representation of the crisis and crisis of representation”; “Evaluation of the common European asylum system under pressure and recommendations for further development”, ‘Migration Impact Assessment towards Integration and Local Development in European Rural and Mountain Regions”.