Nabil Benbekhti


Nabil Benbekhti has been Senior Legal Officer at the
Regional Bureau for Europe in Headquarters since 2018,
covering issues related to the Western Balkans, Eastern
Europe and the South Caucasus. Prior to that he served
as Protection Officer at the United Nations High
Commissioner for Refugees in Tunis.
Within the United Nations High Commissioner for
Refugees, he also worked in Bosnia and Herzegovina,
Strasbourg, at the then UNHCR Liaison Office to the
Council of Europe; in Paris, overseeing UNHCR’s
participation to the French refugee appeal board, as well
as in Damascus. He was also sent on emergency missions to Jordan and Sudan, and contributed to other short-term missions in support of other UNHCR operations.
In 1997, he was Election Observer in Bosnia and Herzegovina for the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, OSCE, and Observer of human rights for the Office of
the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights in Rwanda in 1994.
Nabil Benbekhti holds a Master's degree in Public Law from the University of Lille II, and a
Diploma of Advanced Studies in Public International Law, from the University of Paris II,
Panthéon Assas.

All session
by Nabil Benbekhti