Manifesto for Third Country Education Pathways
Building on the established cooperation among the Refugee Law and Migration Center at the Iustinianus Primus Law Faculty, University Ss. Cyril and Methodius-Skopje [the Refugee Law and Migration Center], the UNHCR Representation in North Macedonia and the International Institute of Humanitarian Law in Sanremo, the Pilot Advanced Thematic Forum on International Refugee Protection [The Forum] was developed as a specific advocacy-oriented convention on specific topics relevant to the protection situation in North Macedonia, where recommendations can be gathered from international practitioners and academics to advise the pursuit of advocacy objectives in the country.
As organisers and conveners of the Forum, together with the signatories of this Manifesto, the Center, the UNHCR and the Institute hereby pledge to jointly work towards the creation and expansion of tertiary education pathways for refugees in North Macedonia and facilitate the involvement and support of other interested entities from government, academia and civil society, both in the country and abroad.
This Manifesto is an open invitation to relevant stakeholders from the country to publicly pledge to turn high education opportunities for refugee students from third countries in North Macedonia into reality.
Full text of the Manifesto: